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Dagstuhl's Impact

Frequently a Dagstuhl Seminar or a Dagstuhl Event is so inspirational that the participants jointly release a publication afterwards. These works are listed below and are presented on a special shelf in the library.

Please inform us about such publications that are the consequence of a Dagstuhl Seminar.

Also, Schloss Dagstuhl would kindly ask you to acknowledge in the publication that the publication has in some way benefited from the seminar. You are free to word the acknowledgement however you like, but we would ask you to always include the seminar's title and seminar number as well as some kind of link to the seminar's website. Nevertheless, as there have often been questions on how to word the acknowledgement, here are a few fictional example wordings for your inspiration:

  • This work has benefitted from Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces."
  • This work has benefitted substantially from Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces."
  • This work has benefitted from the second and fourth author's participation in Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces."
  • Part of this work was initiated by Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces"
  • We thank the organizers of Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces" for bringing us together. We are particularly indebted to seminar participant Jane Doe for asking a question that initiated our research.

Petra Meyer

Library Manager

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Dagstuhl Seminar 9543, 1995-10-23 - 1995-10-27
Modeling and simulation of metabolic pathways, gene regulation and cell differentiation : October 22 - 27, 1995, International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, Schloss Dagstuhl, Saarland, Germany
Hofestädt, Ralf; Mavrovouniotis, Michael L.; Collado-Vides, Julio; Löffler, Markus – ICSU Press, 1996 – (BioEssays : 18. 1996, 4, S. 333-335)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9540, 1995-10-02 - 1995-10-06
Special Issue
Environmental modelling and simulation : special issue = Dagstuhl seminar on modelling and simulation of complex environmental problems
Carmichael, Greg R.; Korn, Granino A.; Sydow, Achim – Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach, 1996 – (Systems analysis modelling simulation : 25. 1996, 2/4, S. 75-314)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9540, 1995-10-02 - 1995-10-06
Simulation in the Service of Society : article : pp. 194-200
McLeod, Dennis; McLeod, Suzette – Thousand Oaks : Sage Science Press, 1996 – (Simulation : 66. 1996, 3)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9539, 1995-09-25 - 1995-09-29
Special Issue
Applied probability modelling in telecommunication : Dagstuhl workshop
Tran-Gia, Phuoc; Latouche, Guy; Herzog, Ulrich – Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1997 – (Performance evaluation : 30. 1997, 1/2, S. 1-114)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9538, 1995-09-18 - 1995-09-22
Special Issue
Computing surveys symposium on models of programming languages and computation : special issue
Hankin, Chris; Riis Nielson, Hanne – New York : ACM, 1996 – (ACM computing surveys : 28. 1996, 2, S. 289-436)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9536, 1995-09-04 - 1995-09-08
CAD systems development : tools and methods
Roller, Dieter; Brunet, Pere – Berlin : Springer, 1997. - X, 362 S. , ISBN: 3-540-62535-6
Dagstuhl Seminar 9529, 1995-07-17 - 1995-07-21
Logics for databases and information systems
Chomicki, Jan; Saake, Gunter – Boston : Kluwer, 1998. - XIII, 430 S – (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science; 436) , ISBN: 0-7923-8129-7
Dagstuhl Seminar 9527, 1995-07-03 - 1995-07-07
Special Issue
Average-case analysis of algorithms : special issue
Flajolet, Philippe ; Szpankowski, Wojciech – New York : Wiley, 1997 – (Random structures and algorithms : 10. 1997, 1/2, S. 1-303)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9525, 1995-06-19 - 1995-06-23
High-speed networking for multimedia applications
Effelsberg, Wolfgang; Spaniol, Otto; Danthine, Andre; Ferrari, Domenico – Boston : Kluwer, 1996. - XII, 389 S. , ISBN: 0-7923-9681-2
Dagstuhl Seminar 9523, 1995-06-05 - 1995-06-09
Case study : the steam-boiler control system : article S. 155-190
Case study : the steam-boiler control system : article S. 155-190
Michel Bidoit ; Peter D. Mosses – Berlin : Springer, 2003 – (Lecture notes in computer science : tutorial ; 2900 : S. 155-190) , ISBN: 3-540-20766-X
Dagstuhl Seminar 9523, 1995-06-05 - 1995-06-09
Formal methods for industrial applications : specifying and programming the steam boiler control
Abrial, Jean-Raymond; Börger, Egon; Langmaack, Hans – Berlin : Springer, 1996. - VIII, 509 S. + 1 CD-ROM – (Lecture notes in computer science; 1165) , ISBN: 3-540-61929-1
Dagstuhl Seminar 9523, 1995-06-05 - 1995-06-09
Modeling complex systems in the situation calculus : a case study using the Dagstuhl steam boiler problem : article in KR 96 : S. 26-39
Kelley, Todd G. – Orlando : Morgan Kaufmann, 1996 – (Principles of knowledge representation and reasoning 1996 : S. 26-39)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9520, 1995-05-15 - 1995-05-19
Scheduling computer and manufacturing processes
Blazewicz, Jacek; Ecker, Klaus H.; Pesch, Erwin; Schmidt, Günter; Weglarz, Jan – Berlin : Springer, 1996. - X, 491 S. , ISBN: 3-540-61496-6
Dagstuhl Seminar 9520, 1995-05-15 - 1995-05-19
Special Issue
Scheduling in computer and manufacturing systems : feature issue : Dagstuhl seminar, May 15 - 20, 1995.
Blazewicz, Jacek; Ecker, Klaus H.; Weglarz, Jan – Amsterdam : North Holland, 1996 – (European journal of operational research ; 94, 1996, 2, S. 213-320)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9518, 1995-05-01 - 1995-05-05
Social science microsimulation
Troitzsch, Klaus G.; Mueller, Ulrich; Gilbert, G. Nigel; Doran, Jim E – Berlin : Springer, 1996. - XII, 471 S. , ISBN: 3-540-61572-5
Research Meeting 95172, 1995-04-24 - 1995-04-26
Integration von Umweltdaten : 3. Workshop, Schloß Dagstuhl 1995
Reiner Güttler; Werner Geiger – Marburg : Metropolis-Verlag, 1996. - 191 S – (Umwelt-Informatik aktuell; 11) , ISBN: 3-89518-121-8
Dagstuhl Seminar 9514, 1995-04-03 - 1995-04-07
Object orientation with parallelism and persistence
Freitag, Burkhard; Jones, Clifford B.; Lengauer, Christian; Schek, Hans-Jörg – Boston : Kluwer, 1996. - XIV, 233 S – (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science; 370) , ISBN: 0-7923-9770-3
Research Meeting 95122, 1995-03-21 - 1995-03-21
Technical Report
Informatik-Impulse : Forum Perspektiven der Informatik
Wilhelm, Reinhard – Dagstuhl : IBFI, 1995. - 32 S.
Dagstuhl Seminar 9509, 1995-02-27 - 1995-03-03
Special Issue
High integrity programmable electronic systems : Dagstuhl workshop
Bernd J. Krämer – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996 – (High integrity systems : 1. 1996, 6,S. 497-574)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9509, 1995-02-27 - 1995-03-03
Safety-critical real-time systems
Krämer, Bernd J.; Völker, Norbert – Boston : Kluwer, 1997. - 90 S – (Real-time systems : 13. 1997, 3, S. 217-302) , ISBN: 0-7923-8022-3
Dagstuhl Seminar 9509, 1995-02-27 - 1995-03-03
The ProCoS approach to correct systems : article : S. 253-275
The ProCoS approach to correct systems : article : S. 253-275
Langmaack, Hans – Boston : Kluwer, 1997 – (Real-time systems : 13. 1997, 3 : S. 253-275)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9508, 1995-02-20 - 1995-02-24
Summary of the Dagstuhl workshop on future directions in software engineering : article pp. 63-83
Garlan, David; Tichy, Walter F.; Paulisch, Frances – New York : ACM, 1995 – (Software engineering notes SIGSOFT : 20. 1995, 3)