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Research Meeting 22154

Probabilistic Verification

( Apr 10 – Apr 14, 2022 )

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Probabilistic verification is a formal approach to modelling and analysing computerised systems that exhibit stochastic behaviour. It aims to ensure trustworthiness properties of such systems, such as correctness, safety, or reliability, by means of rigorous, mathematics-based techniques. It is typically applied in domains that exhibit complex interactions between subsystems and that are often safety critical, including autonomous driving, communication protocols, medical devices, power plants, and railway or aerospace control systems.

The goal of this seminar is to discuss the state-of-the-art in specific areas of probabilistic verification such as

  • efficient probabilistic model checking methods,
  • automated analysis and verification of probabilistic programs,
  • objective-driven parameter synthesis for Markov models, or
  • analysis of dynamic fault trees
Copyright Thomas Noll