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Research Meeting 22119

Forschungsaufenthalt "CERG AI education initiative"

( Mar 16 – Mar 18, 2022 )

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Due to rapid technological progress, more and more areas of our life are influenced and shaped by artificial intelligence. In consequence, everyone needs competencies to understand corresponding phenomena, but also to get involved in shaping our world and making informed decisions regarding the influence on our society. To this end, already beginning in K-12 education, students need to learn about core ideas and principles of AI and machine learning. Furthermore, AI as an educational subject offers opportunities to reflect on one's own thinking (e.g. learning by reward, formation of categories) as well as to comprehend processes and limits of the digital transformation and computer science. Subject of this research stay was to define a set of competencies structuring important learning objectives in the field of AI. Furthermore, the AI competencies were underpinned with concrete teaching examples.

Copyright Tilman Michaeli, Ralf Romeike

  • Computers And Society
  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Computer Science Edcuation
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning