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Research Meeting 21423

Retreat Software Science

( Oct 20 – Oct 22, 2021 )

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The retreat of the Software Science (SWS) Department within the Institute of Computing and Information Sciences at Radboud University, Nijmegen, aims at fostering and substantiating the collaboration within the group. In particular, new challenges will be discussed that may take the shape of exciting new research projects in the next year.

The mission of SWS is to do top research on the use of models for design and analysis of software, bridging the gap between theory and applications. Software has shaped every aspect of our modern lives, including our work, our communication, our social life, our transportation, our financial systems, our healthcare, and even our food production. Ensuring that software is correct and secure, and can be adapted to our needs, is both a major scientific challenge and an enterprise with enormous societal relevance. How can we be sure that large computer programs are correct, efficient and secure? What does correctness mean anyway? Can we define programming languages in which it is easy to describe certain complex tasks, and have a computer perform these tasks efficiently? Software science aims to address these questions.

Copyright Nils Jansen, Frits Vaandrager

  • cs.SE - Software Engineering
  • cs. AI - Artificial Intelligence