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Research Meeting 21233

SoftLang Koblenz Research Seminar

( Jun 06 – Jun 10, 2021 )

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The SoftLang research group at the University of Koblenz-Landau, led by Ralf Lämmel, finishes up work on the DFG project Language-integrated semantic queries (LISeQ), prepares for launching a follow-up project, subject to funding approval, and advances LISeQ research and related efforts in the broader research context of “data intelligence” — the new profile topic at the Faculty of Computer Science. At the seminar, researchers and students in the project present and discuss completed and ongoing work related to LISeQ and data intelligence. For instance, the seminar features sessions on methods such as controlled experiments, mining software repositories, and literature surveying (in the LISeQ context and otherwise); the seminar also features specific technical subjects such as schema-based semantic data query validation and data cleaning/integration/process mining for logging data. Research collaborators of the SoftLang team further contribute to the program.

Copyright Ralf Lämmel

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  • Research Meeting 21218: SoftLang Koblenz Research Seminar (2021-05-25 - 2021-05-28) (Details)