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GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 17303

Internet of Things Hackathon: From Research to Practice

( Jul 23 – Jul 28, 2017 )

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The objective of the first GI-Dagstuhl Hackathon is to explore challenging problems in the Internet of Things (IoT) by both design discussions and practical prototyping of technical solutions. A special focus will be on potentials of information-centric networking for the IoT.

The hackathon will bring together advanced students and early career researchers with senior scientists from academia and industry. The hackathon will consist of some technical background sessions and mostly hands-on hacking.

For further details, please visit

Plese note that the GI-Dagstuhl Hackathon will take place one week before IETF 99 in Prague, which will offer a two-day hackathon. We highly encourage participants of the GI-Dagstuhl Hackathon to attend the IETF as well, to warm up and experience overall two weeks of protocol engineering and hacking.

Copyright Alexander Afanasyev, Oliver Hahm, and Matthias Wählisch