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Research Meeting 23289

Framework Development for User-Centered-Design of AI-based Systems

( Jul 09 – Jul 14, 2023 )

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  • Alexander Rossner (Hochschule Mainz, DE & Hochschule RheinMain - Wiesbaden, DE)



The research aims at developing a structured framework for the human- and user-centered design of AI-based systems. The goal is to incorporate human as well as technological and algorithmic aspects of AI into the design process in order to create useful, transparent, and trustworthy AI-based systems. Interviews with experts provide opportunities to identify best practices in human-AI interaction and to advance research in this area.

Alexander Rossner is a doctoral candidate at the Promotionszentrum Angewandte Informatik (PZAI) in Hesse, Germany. In his doctoral thesis, he is working on the topic of "User-Centered AI". After his training as a media designer, he completed a bachelor's degree in "Media, IT & Management (B.Sc.)" and a master's degree in "Geoinformatics (M.Eng.)". His research interests focus on the intersection between media and computer science, especially in the areas of requirements engineering, prototyping and evaluation.

The goal of the one-week stay at Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics is to work on a Systematic Literature Review on user-centered design and evaluation of AI-based systems and to prepare an empirical study (e.g., expert interviews, user testing) to better understand current approaches as well as needs and expectations. Conducting empirical studies helps to investigate the quality, usability, and acceptance of AI-based systems in order to identify optimization potentials.

Copyright Alexander Rossner

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computers and Society
  • Human-Computer Interaction