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Research Meeting 24153

AI for Realistic Science: Advances and Challenges in Large-Scale Experimental Facilities

( Apr 07 – Apr 12, 2024 )

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Recently, AI has been influential on a range of discoveries, starting from Alpha Fold to recent developments on large language models, such as ChatGPT. The focus of this event is to leverage the potential of AI for advancing Science, specifically focussed at large-scale experimental facilities, such as photon and neutron sources. This event will focus on sharing the recent advances on this space, and identifying a set of challenges that are worthy of solving in the next three -to-five-year period.

Copyright Ian T. Foster, Tony Hey, James A Sethian, and Jeyan Thiyagalingam

  • AI for Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Scientific Data Analysis
  • AI at Edge and Smart Facilities