Welcome to the Dagstuhl Library
The Library
During their stay in Dagstuhl researchers can access the excellent equipped research library around the clock. One major focus of the library's collection are current computer science research literature and electronic journals and conference proceedings. The entire holdings can be searched in the online catalogue.
Please find current books and „Dagstuhl Impact“ publications on the 2nd floor of the library.
All other books, a complete collection of Springer „Lecture Notes in Computer Science“, theses, printed conference proceedings and printed back volumes of journals are located in the redesigned library basement.
Please find a collection of all books by current week's Dagstuhl Seminar participants here.
Dagstuhl's Impact. Frequently a Dagstuhl Seminar or a Dagstuhl Event is so inspirational that the participants jointly release a publication afterwards. These works are listed here and are presented on special shelves on the morning coffee floors.
You are also invited to make book suggestions for the library via email.
External visitors please contact us by phone to arrange a date and time to visit the library. Being a reference library, no works can be lent to individuals off site.
Useful Links
- Books by the current week's Dagstuhl Seminar participants (books available in the library stock)
- New Books
- dblp
- Pressreader - unlimited access to more than 7000 newspapers and magazines on site
- eJournals and eBooks on German National Licences
Online Journals
- ACM Digital Library
- ACM Computing Reviews
- Cambridge Journals (-2021, cancelled)
- Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ
- Elsevier / Sciencedirect
- IEEEXplore / IEEE/IET Electronic Library
- IET Journals (Open Access)
- Oxford University Press (-2020, cancelled)
- Springer Computer Science Journals (-2019, cancelled)
- Wiley
German National Licenses

- APS Digital Backfile Archive 1893-2003 American Physical Society (via Getinfo)
- BioOne Online Journals 2009-2011
- Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles
- Cambridge Journals Digital Archives
- Cambridge Journals STM Package
- deGruyter Archive
- EBSCOhost eBook Collection / Netlibrary
- Elsevier Journals Backfiles on ScienceDirect
- Elsevier eBook Collection on ScienceDirect - Mathematics
- EMS Journals Archive 1999-
- IGI Global InfoSci Journals Archive 2000 - 2012
- IOP Historic Archive
- MathSciNet
- Nature Archives
- Oxford Current Journals Full Collection
- Oxford Journals Digital Archive
- Sage Journals Online Backfile
- Science Classic Archive
- Springer Online Journals Archive
- Springer Lecture Notes Archive
- Springer ebook collection / Chemistry and Materials Science 2005-2008
- Springer ebook collection / Medicine 2005-2008
- Taylor & Francis Online Archives 1799-2000
- Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection
- World Biographical
- Information System / WBIS
The Dagstuhl Research Library regularly receives book and journal donations from publishing houses and seminar participants. We would like to thank the following publishers for their continous donations:
- Birkhäuser
- European Association for Computer Graphics - Eurographics
- O'Reilly Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
- Springer-Verlag
- vdf Hochschulverlag
- Vieweg+Teubner
We are also looking forward to future book donations from our seminar participants.