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Dagstuhl's Impact

Frequently a Dagstuhl Seminar or a Dagstuhl Event is so inspirational that the participants jointly release a publication afterwards. These works are listed below and are presented on a special shelf in the library.

Please inform us about such publications that are the consequence of a Dagstuhl Seminar.

Also, Schloss Dagstuhl would kindly ask you to acknowledge in the publication that the publication has in some way benefited from the seminar. You are free to word the acknowledgement however you like, but we would ask you to always include the seminar's title and seminar number as well as some kind of link to the seminar's website. Nevertheless, as there have often been questions on how to word the acknowledgement, here are a few fictional example wordings for your inspiration:

  • This work has benefitted from Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces."
  • This work has benefitted substantially from Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces."
  • This work has benefitted from the second and fourth author's participation in Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces."
  • Part of this work was initiated by Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces"
  • We thank the organizers of Dagstuhl Seminar 22321 "Computation in Fractional-Dimensional Banach Spaces" for bringing us together. We are particularly indebted to seminar participant Jane Doe for asking a question that initiated our research.

Petra Meyer


2025   2024   2023   2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003   2002   2001   2000   1999   1998   1997   1996   1995   1994   1993   1992   1991   1990   Specials


Dagstuhl-Seminar 22481, 2022-11-27 - 2022-12-02
Max Weight Independent Set in sparse graphs with no long claws : article
Abrishami, Tara; Chudnovsky, Maria; Pilipczuk, Marcin; Rzazewski, Pawel – Cornell University :, 2023. - 13 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22482, 2022-11-27 - 2022-12-02
The Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Existential Conjunctive Queries
Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Roth, Marc – Cornell University :, 2023. - 36 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22482, 2022-11-27 - 2022-12-02
The Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Existential Conjunctive Queries
Göbel, Andreas; Goldberg, Leslie Ann; Roth, Marc – Cornell University :, 2023. - 36 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22481, 2022-11-27 - 2022-12-02
Minimal obstructions to C5-coloring in hereditary graph classes
Goedgebeur, Jan; Kooken, Jorik; Okrasa, Karolina; Rzążewski, Paweł; Schaudt, Oliver – Cornell University :, 2024. - 27 pp.
Forschungstreffen 22474, 2022-11-20 - 2022-11-23
Uncertainty in Natural Language Generation : From Theory to Applications : article
Baan, Joris; Daheim, Nico; Ilia, Evgenia; Ulmer, Dennis; Fernández, Raquel; Sennrich, Rico; Zerva, Chrysoula; Aziz, Wilker; Plank, Barbara; Li, Haau-Sing – Cornell University :, 2023. - 21 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22461, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
Engineering Fully Dynamic Δ-Orientation Algorithms
Borowitz, Jannick; Großmann, Ernestine; Schulz, Christian – Cornell University :, 2023. - 15 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22462, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
Visualizing Uncertainty in Sets
Tominski, Christian; Behrisch, Michael; Bleisch, Susanne; Fabrikant, Sara Irina; Mayr, Eva; Purchase, Helen C.; Miksch, Silvia – Cornell University :, 2023. - 13 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22462, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
Visualizing Uncertainty in Sets : article
Tominski, Christian; Behrisch, Michael; Bleisch, Susanne; Fabrikant, Sara Irina; Mayr, Eva; Purchase, Helen C.; Miksch, Silvia – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - pp. 49-61 – (IEEE computer graphics ; 43. 2023. 5)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22461, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
Near-Optimal Dynamic Rounding of Fractional Matchings in Bipartite Graphs
Bhattacharya, Sayan; Kiss, Peter; Sidford, Aaron; Wajc, David – Cornell University :, 2024. - 43 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22461, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
Õptimal Fault-Tolerant Reachability Labeling in Planar Graphs
Chechik, Shiri; Mozes, Shay; Weimann, Oren – Cornell University :, 2023. - 15 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22462, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
EulerMerge : Simplifying Euler Diagrams Through Set Merges
Yan, Xinyuan; Rodgers, Peter J.; Rottmann, Peter; Archambault, Daniel; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Wang, Bei – Cornell University :, 2023. - 14 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22461, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
Near-Optimal Dynamic Rounding of Fractional Matchings in Bipartite Graphs : article in STOC 2024: Proceedings of the 56th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
Bhattacharya, Sayan; Kiss, Peter; Sidford, Aaron; Wajc, David – New York : ACM, 2024. - Pages 59 - 70
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22461, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
Fast Approximate Counting of Cycles : article in 51st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2024 : pp. 37:1-37:20
Censor-Hillel, Keren; Even, Tomer; Vassilevska Williams, Virginia – Wadern : LZI, 2024. – (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics ; 297 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22461, 2022-11-13 - 2022-11-18
Faster Cycle Detection in the Congested Clique : article in 38th International Symposium on Distributed Computing : DICS 2024 : pp. 12:1-12:18
Censor-Hillel, Keren; Even, Tomer; Vassilevska Williams, Virginia – Wadern : LZI, 2024 – (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics ; 319 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22452, 2022-11-06 - 2022-11-11
Solving Woeginger's Hiking Problem : Wonderful Partitions in Anonymous Hedonic Games
Constantinescu, Andrei; Lenzner, Pascal; Reiffenhäuser, Rebecca; Schmand, Daniel; Varricchio, Giovanna – Cornell University :, 2023. - 19 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22452, 2022-11-06 - 2022-11-11
Complexity of equilibria in binary public goods games on undirected graphs : article in EC '23: Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
Klimm, Max; Stahlberg, Maximilian J. – New York : ACM, 2023. - Pages 938–955
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22452, 2022-11-06 - 2022-11-11
Algorithms for Claims Trading : article in 41st International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2024)
Hoefer, Martin; Ventre, Carmine; Wilhelmi, Lisa – Wadern : LZI, 2024. - 17 pp. – (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics ; 289 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22452, 2022-11-06 - 2022-11-11
Solving Woeginger's Hiking Problem : Wonderful Partitions in Anonymous Hedonic Games : article in 51st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2024)
Constantinescu, Andrei; Lenzner, Pascal; Reiffenhäuser, Rebecca; Schmand, Daniel; Varricchio, Giovanna – Wadern : LZI, 2024. - 18 pp – (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics ; 297 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22451, 2022-11-06 - 2022-11-11
Contract-LIB : A Proposal for a Common Interchange Format for Software System Specification
Ernst, Gidon; Pfeifer, Wolfram; Ulbrich, Mattias – München : Universität, 2024. - 25 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22441, 2022-10-30 - 2022-11-04
Bilevel linear optimization belongs to NP and admits polynomial-size KKT-based reformulations
Buchheim, Christoph – Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. - pp. 618-622 – (Operations Research Letters ; 51. 2023, 6)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22441, 2022-10-30 - 2022-11-04
Connections and Reformulations between Robust and Bilevel Optimization
Goerigk, Marc; Kurtz, Jannis; Schmidt, Martin; Thürauf, Johannes – Optimization Online, 2023. - 20 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22441, 2022-10-30 - 2022-11-04
A Framework for Data-Driven Explainability in Mathematical Optimization
Aigner, Kevin-Martin; Goerigk, Marc; Hartisch, Michael; Miehlich, Arthur – Cornell University :, 2023. - 18 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22421, 2022-10-16 - 2022-10-21
Security of Nakamoto Consensus under Congestion
Kiffer, Lucianna; Neu, Joachim; Sridhar, Srivatsan; Zohar, Aviv; Tse, David – Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2023. - 28 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22411, 2022-10-09 - 2022-10-14
Towards Certified MaxSAT Solving
Vandesande, Dieter; Bogaerts, Bart – Delft : University, 2023. - 5 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22411, 2022-10-09 - 2022-10-14
Certified Dominance and Symmetry Breaking for Combinatorial Optimisation : article
Bogaerts, Bart; Gocht, Stephan; McCreesh, Ciaran; Nordström, Jakob – AI Access Foundation, 2023. - pp. 1539-1589 – (Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research : JAIR ; 77. 2023 )
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22411, 2022-10-09 - 2022-10-14
A proof system for certifying symmetry and optimality reasoning in integer programming
Doornmalen, Jasper van; Eifler, Leon; Gleixner, Ambros M.; Hojny, Christopher – Cornell University :, 2023. - 25 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22402, 2022-10-03 - 2022-10-07
How Do Programming Students Read and Act upon Compiler Error Messages? : article in HCII 2023: Augmented Cognition
Rodrigo, Maria Mercedes; Tablatin, Christine Lourrine – Berlin : Springer, 2023. - pp. 153-168 – (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence ; 14019 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22382, 2022-09-18 - 2022-09-23
The passive symmetries of machine learning
Villar, Soledad; Hogg, David W.; Yao, Weichi; Kevrekidis, George A.; Schölkopf, Bernhard – Cornell University :, 2023. - 14 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22382, 2022-09-18 - 2022-09-23
AI for science : an emerging agenda
Berens, Philipp; Cranmer, Kyle; Lawrence, Neil D.; Luxburg, Ulrike von; Montgomery, Jessica – Cornell University :, 2023. - 44 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22361, 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-09
We need to understand the effect of narratives about generative AI
Gilardi, Fabrizio; Kasirzadeh, Atoosa; Bernstein, Abraham; Staab, Steffen; Gohdes, Anita R. – London : Nature Publishing Group, 2024 – (Nature Human Behaviour ; 2024 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22351, 2022-08-28 - 2022-09-02
The Flow of Trust : A Visualization Framework to Externalize, Explore & Explain Trust in ML Applications
Elzen, Stef van den; Andrienko, Gennady; Andrienko, Natalia V.; Fisher, Brian D.; Martins, Rafael M.; Verleysen, Michel; Telea, Alexandru C.; Peltonen, Jaakko – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - 12 pp – (IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ; 2023)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22342, 2022-08-21 - 2022-08-26
Privacy-Preserving Feature Extraction forDetection of Anomalous Financial Transactions
Cock, Martine De; Erkin, Zekeriya; Golob, Steven; Kelley, Dean; Maia, Ricardo; Pentyala, Sikha; Porsius Martins, Celio; Vos, Jelle; Nascimento, Anderson – Github, 2023. - 23 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22341, 2022-08-21 - 2022-08-26
Does rate adaptation at daily timescales make sense? : article in HotCarbon '23: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems
Jacob, Romain; Lim, Jackie; Vanbever, Laurent – New York : ACM, 2023. - 7 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22341, 2022-08-21 - 2022-08-26
Work in progress: Towards a statistical worst-case energy consumption model : article in 2023 IEEE 29th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS)
Wehaiba El Khazen, Marwan; Ben Amor, Slim; Kougblenou, Kossivi; Gogonel, Adriana; Cucu-Grosjean, Liliana – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - pp. 333-336
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22331, 2022-08-15 - 2022-08-19
Visual Validation versus Visual Estimation : Study on the Average Value in Scatterplots : author’s version of the article that has been published in the proceedings of IEEE Visualization conference 2023
Braun, Daniel; Suh, Ashley; Chang, Remco; Gleicher, Michael; Landesberger, Tatiana von – 2023. - 5 pp..
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22331, 2022-08-15 - 2022-08-19
Visual Validation versus Visual Estimation : A Study on the Average Value in Scatterplots
Braun, Daniel; Suh, Ashley; Chang, Remco; Gleicher, Michael; Landesberger, Tatiana von – Cornell University :, 2023. - 5 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22331, 2022-08-15 - 2022-08-19
A Problem Space for Designing Visualizations : article
Gleicher, Michael; Riveiro, Maria; Landesberger, Tatiana von; Deussen, Oliver; Chang, Remco; Gillmann, Christina – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - pp. 111 - 120 – (IEEE computer graphics ; 43. 2023, 4)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22331, 2022-08-15 - 2022-08-19
Beware of Validation by Eye : Visual Validation of Linear Trends in Scatterplots
Braun, Daniel; Chang, Remco; Gleicher, Michael; Landesberger, Tatiana von – Cornell University :, 2024. - 11 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22301, 2022-07-24 - 2022-07-29
Applications of Information Inequalities to Database Theory Problems : article in 2023 38th Annual ACM / Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
Suciu, Dan – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - 30 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22301, 2022-07-24 - 2022-07-29
Join Size Bounds using Lp-Norms on Degree Sequences : article
Abo Khamis, Mahmoud; Nakos, Vasileios; Olteanu, Dan; Suciu, Dan – Cornell University :, 2023. - 20 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22302, 2022-07-24 - 2022-07-29
Mio : A Block-Based Environment for Program Design : article in SPLASH-E 2022 : Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on SPLASH-E
Nose, Junya; Cong, Youyou; Masuhara, Hidehiko – New York : ACM, 2022. - 8 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22301, 2022-07-24 - 2022-07-29
Self-adhesivity in lattices of abstract conditional independence models
Boege, Tobias A.; Bolt, Janneke H.; Studený, Milan – Cornell University :, 2024. - 32 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22281, 2022-07-10 - 2022-07-15
Real Attackers Don't Compute Gradients : Bridging the Gap Between Adversarial ML Research and Practice
Apruzzese, Giovanni; Anderson, Hyrum S.; Freeman, David; Pierazzi, Fabio; Roundy, Kevin – Cornell University :, 2022. - 26 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22281, 2022-07-10 - 2022-07-15
Poisoning Web-Scale Training Datasets is Practical : article
Carlini, Nicholas; Jagielski, Matthew; Choquette-Choo, Christopher A.; Paleka, Daniel; Pearce, Will; Thomas, Kurt; Tramer, Florian; Terzis, Andreas; Anderson, Hyrum S. – Cornell University :, 2023. - 26 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22281, 2022-07-10 - 2022-07-15
Real Attackers Don't Compute Gradients : Bridging the Gap Between Adversarial ML Research and Practice : article in 2023 IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML)
Apruzzese, Giovanni; Anderson, Hyrum S.; Dambra, Savino; Freeman, David; Pierazzi, Fabio; Roundy, Kevin – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - pp. 339-364
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22281, 2022-07-10 - 2022-07-15
Voices from the Frontline : Revealing the AI Practitioners' viewpoint on the European AI Act
Koh, Fiona; Grosse, Kathrin; Apruzzese, Giovanni – ResearchGate, 2023. - 11 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22271, 2022-07-03 - 2022-07-08
Pandering in a (flexible) representative democracy : article in UAI '23 : Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
Sun, Xiaolin; Masur, Jacob; Abramowitz, Ben; Mattei, Nicholas; Zheng, Zizhan – New York : ACM, 2023. - 11 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22271, 2022-07-03 - 2022-07-08
Approval-Based Committee Voting in Practice : A Case Study of (Over-)Representation in the Polkadot Blockchain
Boehmer, Niclas; Brill, Markus; Cevallos, Alfonso; Gehrlein, Jonas; Sanchez-Fernandez, Luis; Schmidt-Kraepelin, Ulrike – Cornell University :, 2023. - 32 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22271, 2022-07-03 - 2022-07-08
Mitigating Skewed Bidding for Conference Paper Assignment : article in AAMAS '23 : Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Rozenzweig, Inbal; Meir, Reshef; Mattei, Nicholas; Amir, Ofra – New York : ACM, 2023. - pp. 573–581
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22271, 2022-07-03 - 2022-07-08
Social Mechanism Design : A Low-Level Introduction : AAMAS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Abramowitz, Ben; Mattei, Nicholas – New York : ACM, 2023. - pp. 2472–2474
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22261, 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01
Reflections and Considerations on Running Creative Visualization Learning Activities
Roberts, Jonathan C.; Bach, Benjamin; Boucher, Magdalena; Diehl, Alexandra; Hinrichs, Uta; Huron, Samuel; Kirk, Andy; Chevalier, Fanny; Knudsen, Søren; Meirelles, Isabel; Noonan, Rebecca; Pelchmann, Laura; Rajabiyazdi, Fateme; Stoiber, Christina – Cornell University :, 2022. - 8 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22261, 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01
EduVis : Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities
Keck, Mandy; Huron, Samuel; Panagiotidou, Georgia; Rajabiyazdi, Fateme; Perin, Charles; Bach, Benjamin; Roberts, Jonathan C.; Rajabiyazdi, Fateme – Cornell University :, 2023. - 5 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22261, 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01
Challenges and Opportunities in Data Visualization Education : A Call to Action : author’s version of the article
Carpendale, Sheelagh; Roberts, Jonathan C.; Hinrichs, Uta; Aerts, Jan; Knudsen, Soren; Boucher, Magdalena; Aigner, Wolfgang ; Perin, Charles; Huron, Samuel; Stoiber, Christina; Laramee, Robert S.; Dykes, Jason; Meirelles, Isabel; Rajabiyazdi, Fateme; Keck, Mandy; Bach, Benjamin; Losev, Tatiana; AlKadi, Mashael; Morais, Luiz; Kosminsky, Doris; Manataki, Areti – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - 14 pp. – (IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics ; 2023)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22261, 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01
Me-ifestos for Visualization Empowerment in Teaching (and Learning?)
Aerts, Jan; Bishop, Fearn; Hayes, Sarah; Kinkeldey, Christoph; Walny, Jagoda; Willett, Wesley; Landesberger, Tatiana von; Stoiber, Christina; Rajabiyazdi, Fateme; Pelchmann, Laura; Panagiotidou, Georgia; Noonan, Rebecca; Nagel, Till; Morais, Luiz; Meirelles, Isabel; Manches, Andrew; Losev, Tatiana; Kosminsky, Doris; Manataki, Areti; Knudsen, Soren; Kirk, Andy; Huron, Samuel; Hinrichs, Uta; Dykes, Jason; Diehl, Alexandra; Cheng, Peter C. H.; Boucher, Magdalena; Bach, Benjamin; Aigner, Wolfgang – Copenhagen : Univ. Copenhagen, 2022. - 12 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22261, 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01
From Exploration to End of Life : Unpacking Sustainability in Physicalization Practices
Morais, Luiz; Panagiotidou, Georgia; Hayes, Sarah; Losev, Tatiana; Noonan, Rebecca; Hinrichs, Uta – Cornell University :, 2024. - 17 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22251, 2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24
Designing for Playfulness in Human-AI Authoring Tools : article in FDG '23: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games
Liapis, Antonios; Guckelsberger, Christian; Zhu, Jichen; Harteveld, Casper; Kriglstein, Simone – New York : ACM, 2023. - 4 pp.
Forschungstreffen 22243, 2022-06-12 - 2022-06-15
Technical Report
Proceedings of the 2022 Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science : June 12 - June 15, 2022
Freiling, Felix C.; Seidl, Helmut – Bonn : DFG, 2022. - 172 pp. : Online only
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22232, 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-10
Efficient Methods for Natural Language Processing : A Survey
Treviso, Marcos; Ji, Tianchu; Lee, Ji-Ung; Slonim, Noam; Milder, Peter; Martins, Andre F. T.; Martins, Pedro H.; Hooker, Sara; Heafield, Kenneth; Hassid, Michael; Ciosici, Manuel R.; Cao, Qingqing; Aken, Betty van; Raffel, Colin; Simpson, Edwin; Balasubramanian, Niranjan; Derczynski, Leon; Schwartz, Roy –, 2022. - 24 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22222, 2022-05-29 - 2022-06-03
A Critical Perspective on Radically Innovating Personal Mobility : article in AutomotiveUI '22 : Adjunct Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications
Bernhaupt, Regina; Colley, Mark; Goedicke, David; Meschtscherjakov, Alexander; Sadeghian Borojeni, Shadan; Riener, Andreas; Pfleging, Bastian – New York : ACM, 2022. - pp. 215-219
Forschungstreffen 22213, 2022-05-22 - 2022-05-25
Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2021
Hölldobler, Steffen – Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2022. - 320 Seiten – (Lecture notes in informatics / D ; 22) , ISBN: 978-3-88579-980-1
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22201, 2022-05-15 - 2022-05-20
On the complexity of the approximate hypergraph homomorphism problem : article
Ciardo, Lorenzo; Kozik, Marcin; Krokhin, Andrei A.; Nakajima, Tamio-Vesa – Cornell University :, 2023. - 18 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22191, 2022-05-08 - 2022-05-13
An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Evaluation and Experimental Design for Visual Text Analytics : Position Paper : article to appear in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Workshop on Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches to Visualization (BELIV '22)
Kucher, Kostiantyn; Sultanum, Nicole; Daza, Angel; Simaki, Vasiliki; Skeppstedt, Maria; Mahyar, Narges; Fekete, Jean-Daniel; Plank, Barbara – HAL Inria, 2022. - 11 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22191, 2022-05-08 - 2022-05-13
An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Evaluation and Experimental Design for Visual Text Analytics : Position Paper 2022 : IEEE Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches for Visualization (BELIV)
Kucher, Kostiantyn; Sultanum, Nicole; Daza, Angel; Simaki, Vasiliki; Skeppstedt, Maria; Mahyar, Narges; Fekete, Jean-Daniel; Plank, Barbara – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2022. - pp. 28-37
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22191, 2022-05-08 - 2022-05-13
The Role of Interactive Visualization in Explaining (Large) NLP Models : from Data to Inference
Brath, Richard; Keim, Daniel A.; Knittel, Johannes; Pan, Shimei; Sommerauer, Pia; Strobelt, Hendrik – Cornell University :, 2023. - 12 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22192, 2022-05-08 - 2022-05-13
Decomposition of Probability Marginals for Security Games in Abstract Networks
Matuschke, Jannik – Cornell University :, 2022. - 25 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22191, 2022-05-08 - 2022-05-13
Characterizing Uncertainty in the Visual Text Analysis Pipeline : article in 2022 IEEE 7th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH)
Haghighatkhah, Pantea; El-Assady, Mennatallah; Fekete, Jean-Daniel; Mahyar, Narges; Paradis, Carita; Speckmann, Bettina; Simaki, Vasiliki – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2022. - 6 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22191, 2022-05-08 - 2022-05-13
From word clouds to Word Rain : Revisiting the classic word cloud to visualize climate change texts
Skeppstedt, Maria; Ahltorp, Magnus; Kucher, Kostiantyn; Lindström, Matts – Thousand Oaks : Sage Science Press, 2024. - 22 pp. – (Information Visualization ; 2024)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22181, 2022-05-01 - 2022-05-06
Recent advances in mass spectrometry-based computational metabolomics
Ebbels, Timothy; Hooft, Justin J. J. van der; Chatelaine, Haley; Broeckling, Corey; Zamboni, Nicola; Mathe, Ewy; Hassoun, Soha – Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. - 10 pp. – (Current Opinion in Chemical Biology ; 74.2023 : article 102288)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22182, 2022-05-01 - 2022-05-06
Analysing Equilibrium States for Population Diversity
Lengler, Johannes; Opris, Andre; Sudholt, Dirk – Cornell University :, 2023. - 23 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22182, 2022-05-01 - 2022-05-06
Comma Selection Outperforms Plus Selection on OneMax with Randomly Planted Optima
Jorritsma, Joost; Lengler, Johannes; Sudholt, Dirk – Cornell University :, 2023. - 18 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22181, 2022-05-01 - 2022-05-06
Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms for Multi-Valued Decision Variables
Jedidia, Firas Ben; Doerr, Benjamin; Krejca, Martin S. – Cornell University :, 2023. - 26 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22182, 2022-05-01 - 2022-05-06
Universal aggregation of permutation : article
Irurozki, Ekhine; Clemencon, Stephan – Compiègne : Universität , 2023. - 6 pp.
Forschungstreffen 22173, 2022-04-27 - 2022-04-29
New directions for applied knowledge-based AI and machine learning : Selected results of the 2022 Dagstuhl Workshop on Applied Machine Intelligence
Humm, Bernhard G.; Archer, Phil; Bernier, Carolynn; Goetz, Christian; Schumann, Fabienne; Zender, Alexander; Wenning, Rigo; Siegel, Melanie; Hoppe, Thomas; Bense, Hermann – Berlin : Springer, 2022. - 14 pp – (Informatik Spektrum ; 2022)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22171, 2022-04-24 - 2022-04-29
Security-Enhancing Digital Twins : Characteristics, Indicators, and Future Perspectiv
Rashid, Awais; Nadjm-Tehrani, Simin; Janicke, Helge; Almgren, Magnus BP: Eckhart, Matthias; Ekelhart, Andreas; Allison, David; Ceesay-Seitz, Katharina; Yampolskiy, Mark – Cornell University :, 2023. - 12 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22172, 2022-04-24 - 2022-04-27
Designing Technologies to Support Critical Thinking in an Age of Misinformation : article
Boonprakong, Nattapat; Tag, Benjamin; Dingler, Tilman – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - 10 pp. – (IEEE pervasive computing ; 2023)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22171, 2022-04-24 - 2022-04-29
Security-Enhancing Digital Twins : Characteristics, Indicators, and Future Perspectives : article
Eckhart, Matthias; Ekelhart, Andreas; Allison, David; Almgren, Magnus; Ceesay-Seitz, Katharina; Yampolskiy, Mark; Rashid, Awais; Nadjm-Tehrani, Simin; Janicke, Helge – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - pp. 64-75 – (IEEE security and privacy ; 21. 2023, 6)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22162, 2022-04-18 - 2022-04-22
Metropolitan Segment Traffic Speeds from Massive Floating Car Data in 10 Cities
Neun, Moritz; Eichenberger, Christian; Fu, Cheng; Wiedemann, Nina; Ambühl, Lukas; Hermes, Luca; Kopp, Michael; Tomko, Martin; Martin, Henry; Xin, Yanan – Cornell University :, 2023. - 104 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22162, 2022-04-18 - 2022-04-22
The Challenge of Data Analytics with Climate-Neutral Urban Mobility : Vision Paper : just accepted
Winter, Stephan; Sester, Monika; Tomko, Martin; Millonig, Alexandra – New York : ACM, 2024. - 10 pp. – (ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems ; Accepted on February 2024)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22141, 2022-04-03 - 2022-04-08
Finding Collisions for Round-Reduced Romulus-H : article
Nageler, Marcel; Pallua, Felix; Eichlseder, Maria – Bochum : Universität, 2023. - pp. 67-88 – (IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology ; 2023,1)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22132, 2022-03-27 - 2022-03-30
OOD Link Prediction Generalization Capabilities of Message-Passing GNNs in Larger Test Graphs
Zhou, Yangze; Kutyniok, Gitta; Ribeiro, Bruno – Cornell University :, 2022. - 55 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22121, 2022-03-20 - 2022-03-25
RENI++ : A Rotation-Equivariant, Scale-Invariant, Natural Illumination Prior
Gardner, James A. D.; Egger, Bernhard; Smith, William – Cornell University :, 2023. - 14 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22111, 2022-03-13 - 2022-03-18
Data Pipes : Declarative Control over Data Movement : article in CIDR 2023
Vogel, Lukas; Ritter, Daniel; Porobic, Danica; Tözün, Pinar; Wang, Tianzheng; Lerner, Alberto –, 2022. - 10 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22111, 2022-03-13 - 2022-03-18
POLAR : Adaptive and Non-invasive Join Order Selection via Plans of Least Resistance
Justen, David; Ritter, Daniel; Lamb, Andrew; Markl, Volker; Lee, Allison; Fraser, Campbell; Tran, Nga; Bodner, Thomas; Haddad, Mhd Yamen; Zeuch, Steffen; Boehm, Matthias – Irvine : VLDB Endowment, Inc., 2024. - 14 pp
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22111, 2022-03-13 - 2022-03-18
SPA : Economical and Workload-Driven Indexing for Data Analytics in the Cloud : article in 2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
Boncz, Peter A.; Chronis, Yannis; Finis, Jan; Halfpap, Stefan; Neumann, Thomas; Zukowski, Marcin; Stolze, Knut; Sauer, Caetano; Nica, Anisoara; Leis, Viktor – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2024. - pp. 3740-3746
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22102, 2022-03-06 - 2022-03-11
Modeling human road crossing decisions as reward maximization with visual perception limitations
Wang, Yueyang; Srinivasan, Aravinda Ramakrishnan; Jokinen, Jussi P. P.; Oulasvirta, Antti; Markkula, Gustav – Cornell University :, 2023. - 6 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22102, 2022-03-06 - 2022-03-11
Special Issue
Computational Cognitive Models for Human-Automated Vehicle Interaction : special issue
Baumann, Martin; Oulasvirta, Antti; Janssen, Christian P. – Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2024
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22091, 2022-02-27 - 2022-03-04
Wehubit Artificial Intelligence Checklist
Hornung, Heiko; Sserunjogi, Richard; Boton, Martin; Ayim, Seth Ogoe –, 2022. - 12 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22091, 2022-02-27 - 2022-03-04
Gaussian Processes for Monitoring Air-Quality in Kampala
Stoddart, Clara; Shrack, Lauren; Abdul-Ganiy, Usman; Bainomugisha, Engineer; Okure, Deo; Folch, Jose Pablo; Sedgewick, Ruby; Misener, Ruth; Sserunjogi, Richard – Cornell University :, 2023. - 8 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22081, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
Self-adjusting Population Sizes for the (1, λ)-EA on Monotone Functions : article : PPSN 2022 accepted paper
Kaufmann, Marc; Larcher, Maxime; Lengler, Johannes; Zou, Xun – Cornell University :, 2022. - 43 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22081, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
Contributions to Dynamic Analysis of Differential Evolution Algorithms
Resende, Lucas; Takahashi, Ricardo H. C. – Cambridge : MIT Press, 2023. - 31 pp. – (Evolutionary Computation ; accepted paper 2023)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22081, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
Analysing Equilibrium States for Population Diversity
Lengler, Johannes; Opris, Andre; Sudholt, Dirk – Cornell University :, 2023. - 23 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22081, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
Comma Selection Outperforms Plus Selection on OneMax with Randomly Planted Optima
Jorritsma, Joost; Lengler, Johannes; Sudholt, Dirk – Cornell University :, 2023. - 18 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22081, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
The Cost of Randomness in Evolutionary Algorithms: Crossover can Save Random Bits : article in EvoCOP 2023: Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
Kneissl, Carlo; Sudholt, Dirk – Berlin : Springer, 2023. - pp 179-194 – (Lecture notes in computer science ; 13987 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22082, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
Neural Vocoder Feature Estimation for Dry Singing Voice Separation : article in 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)
Im, Jaekwon; Choi, Soonbeom; Yong, Sangeon; Nam, Juhan – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - pp. 809-814
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22082, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
A Study of Audio Mixing Methods for Piano Transcription in Violin-Piano Ensembles article in ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Kim, Hyemi; Park, Jiyun; Kwon, Taegyun; Jeong, Dasaem; Nam, Juhan – Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - 5 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22081, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
A Proof that Using Crossover Can Guarantee Exponential Speed-Ups in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation
Dang, Duc-Cuong; Opris, Andre; Salehi, Bahare; Sudholt, Dirk – Cornell University :, 2023. - 14 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22081, 2022-02-20 - 2022-02-25
Analysing the Robustness of NSGA-II under Noise : article in GECCO '23 : Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
Dang, Duc-Cuong; Opris, Andre; Salehi, Bahare; Sudholt, Dirk – New York : ACM, 2023. - Pages 642–651
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22072, 2022-02-13 - 2022-02-18
Cylindrical Algebraic Coverings for Quantifiers : article in SC2 Workshop 2022 : Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation
Kremer, Gereon; Nalbach, Jasper –, 2022. - 8 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22072, 2022-02-13 - 2022-02-18
A Poly-algorithmic Approach to Quantifier Elimination
Davenport, James Harold; Tonks, Zak P.; Uncu, Ali K. – Cornell University :, 2023. - 9 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22072, 2022-02-13 - 2022-02-18
Lazard-style CAD and Equational Constraints
Davenport, James Harold; Nair, Akshar; Sankaran, Gregory; Uncu, Ali K. – Cornell University :, 2023. - 9 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22062, 2022-02-06 - 2022-02-11
On the Discrete Fréchet Distance in a Graph?
Driemel, Anne; Hoog, Ivor van der; Rotenberg, Eva – Cornell University :, 2022. - 26 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22061, 2022-02-06 - 2022-02-11
Descriptive complexity of the generalized spectra of graphs
Abiad, Aida; Dawar, Anuj; Zapata, Octavio – Cornell University :, 2022. - 17 pp.
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22051, 2022-01-30 - 2022-02-04
Lasserre Hierarchy for Graph Isomorphism and Homomorphism Indistinguishability
Roberson, David E.; Seppelt, Tim – Wadern : LZI, 2023. - 18 pp. – (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics ; 261 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22052, 2022-01-30 - 2022-02-02
An eye tracking study assessing the impact of background styling in code editors on novice programmers’ code understanding : article in ICER '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research
Park, Kang-il; Weill-Tessier, Pierre; Brown, Neil Christopher Charles; Sharif, Bonita; Jensen, Nikolaj; Kölling, Michael – New York : ACM, 2023. - pp. 444-463
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22052, 2022-01-30 - 2022-02-02
How Do Programming Students Read and Act upon Compiler Error Messages? : article in HCII 2023: Augmented Cognition
Rodrigo, Maria Mercedes; Tablatin, Christine Lourrine – Berlin : Springer, 2023. - pp. 153-168 – (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence ; 14019 : article)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22031, 2022-01-16 - 2022-01-21
Special Issue
Effective Network Analytics : Network Visualization and Graph Data Management
Wu, Hsiang-Yun; Klein, Karsten; Yan, Da – - Los Alamitos : IEEE, 2023. - pp. 10-47 – (IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ; 43. 2023, 3)
Dagstuhl-Seminar 22021, 2022-01-09 - 2022-01-14
Mobility Data Science : Perspectives and Challenges
Mokbel, Mohamed; Sakr, Mahmoud; Xiong, Li; Züfle, Andreas; Almeida, Jussara M. ... – New York : ACM, 2024. - 35 pp. – (ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems ; 10. 2024, 2)