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Advanced Training 11322

Summer School on Software Synthesis

( Aug 07 – Aug 12, 2011 )

(Click in the middle of the image to enlarge)

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  • Rastislav Bodik (University of California - Berkeley, US)
  • Viktor Kuncak (EPFL - Lausanne, CH)
  • Eran Yahav (Technion - Haifa, IL)



Software synthesis in various forms has recently gained the attention of researchers as well as some practitioners. The techniques used to synthesize software include deductive synthesis, game-based synthesis, autotuning, invariants inference, genetic programming, program differencing, and inductive synthesis from partial programs.

We have recently organized a successful Dagstul seminar (09501) ons oftware synthesis, which has shown that these communities have a lot to learn from each other.

A conclusion from this seminar was to organize a summer school. The school should have three goals:

  • give students access to the nice tutorial talks presented at 09501
  • allow students to learn complementary techniques before they venture into their PhD work, hoping that their dissertation will bridge these areas
  • make students aware of software problems that may be solvable with synthesis

This summer school is supported in part by a travel grant from COST Action IC0901: Rich-Model Toolkit - An Infrastructure for Reliable Computer Systems.