Dagstuhl Seminar 9439
Specification and Refinement of Reactive Systems – A Case Study
( Sep 26 – Sep 30, 1994 )
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- L. Lamport
- M. Broy
- A note on fairness in I/O automata : article - Romijn, Judi M. T.; Vaandrager, Frits W. - Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1996 - (Information processing letters : 59. 1996, 5, S. 245-250).
- Formal systems specification : the RPC-memory specification case study - Broy, Manfred; Merz, Stephan; Spies, Katharina - Berlin : Springer, 1996. - XXIII, 540 S - (Lecture notes in computer science; 1169). ISBN: 3-540-61984-4.
- Tackling the Dagstuhl '94 specification problem with I/O automata - Romijn, Judi M. T. - Amsterdam : CWI, 1996 - (Report CS-R ; 9617).
The aim of the workshop is to compare and relate the different specification formalisms and development methods. To pursue this aim Leslie Lamport defined a practical example to serve as a common task.
Each participant of the workshop is kindly requested to treat the given problem with the method supported by him and to present the result in a talk at the workshop. Special emphasis should be put on the presentation of the characteristics of this method and the encountered advantages and drawbacks. By means of this single task a basis can be given to extract the common and different features of those methods and to relate the different approaches in the following discussions.

- L. Lamport
- M. Broy