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Dagstuhl Seminar 98051

New Media in Computer-Science Teaching at University Level

( Feb 02 – Feb 06, 1998 )

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  • P. Gloor (Zürich)
  • R. Harding (Cambridge, UK)
  • Th. Ottmann (Freiburg)


The extension of data networks to information highways, providing high speed com munication facilities to university teachers, the access to the internet for almost everyone and new powerful multimedia computers at the desktop of both students and teachers have triggered a revolution in education at university level. There are many scientists and teachers active in the field who develop interactive webpages, animations and simulations for educational purposes and contribute to the establishment of electronic libraries. Furthermore, the communication facilities are used for teleteaching, distributed seminars and labs, and new ways of communication be tween students and teachers.

However, despite all the current enthusiasm it is well-known to people who have seriously worked in the field that the change from the traditional way of teaching in universities to a new way which fully utilizes the new exciting possibilities is labor intensive, much slower than politicians think, and full of traps and disappointments.

Computer science and related science disciplines have always been at the forefront of this development. Many exciting new tools and products have been developed and experiments using the latest technology have been carried out. The goal of this seminar is to bring together leading experts of the field who have gained hands on experience in the past of how to use multimedia in (computer--) science teaching at university level. The seminar should give its participants a profound overview about the state of the art in the field. Both the main achievements and the crucial problems to be solved should be identified and, if possible, true multimedia proceedings of the workshop which be prepared.

The organizers of this workshop are convinced that the active participation will lead to new contacts and joint projects in the future and to a realistic assessment of the field by a competent group of experts.

  • P. Gloor (Zürich)
  • R. Harding (Cambridge, UK)
  • Th. Ottmann (Freiburg)