Dr. Michael Wagner
Fields of Duties
The Scientific Staff advises and supports the Directors concerning scientific and organizational questions.
Dedicated activities
- Head of Dagstuhl Publishing
- 2013: Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Kassel. Topic: Context as a Service
- since 01/2012: Member of the Scientific Staff of Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics
- 01/2007 - 12/2011: Research assistant in the Distributed System research group(head of group: Prof. Dr. Kurt Geihs) at the University of Kassel
- 10/2000 - 01/2007: Studies in computer science at the University of Trier

Dr. Michael Wagner
Head of Publishing
Contact Publishing
Open Access Officer
Computer Science Centre
Schloss Dagstuhl
Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
66687 Wadern, Germany
+49 6871 / 905 200