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Publishing News

Schloss Dagstuhl becomes part of the National Research Data Infrastructure for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

The expansion and improvement of the Infrastructure provided by the LZI will receive funding as part of the NFDI4DataScience initiative

On July 2, 2021, the German Joint Science Conference (Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz, GWK) decided to fund the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) consortium for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (NFDI4DataScience) with an amount in the double-digit millions over a duration of five years. In this consortium, Schloss Dagstuhl has joined forces with numerous other leading research infrastructure providers in Germany.

The NFDI is a collaborative, nationwide network to systematically index, interconnect, and make openly available the valuable stock of data from science and research. Dagstuhl’s renown research infrastructures – supporting research itself, the publication and dissemination of research results, and finding and reusing them – will be further developed, expanded, and integrated as part of NFDI. The results of this consortium will be provided and maintained as an open research data corpus and knowledge graph for the computer science community well beyond the initial funding duration.