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Publishing News

Article Image: Dagstuhl Publishing celebrates the 200th LIPIcs volume

Dagstuhl Publishing celebrates the 200th LIPIcs volume


Dagstuhl Publishing celebrates the 200th volume of its conference proceedings series LIPIcs (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics (LZI) founded its publishing division in 2008 to promote open access to research literature in informatics. The flagship series LIPIcs presents conference proceedings from selected top conferences in computer science. An editorial board with top-class international members decides on the inclusion of conferences in the series and ensures that high quality standards are maintained.

LIPIcs has experienced rapid growth in recent years (the 100th volume was published only in 2018) and has also broadened thematically beyond the core area of theoretical computer science. The series currently hosts 35 conference series, with continued demand from conferences for inclusion in the series.

Visit LIPIcs on our publication server DROPS.

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