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Publishing News

Dagstuhl Publishing and ORCID 2021

Schloss Dagstuhl since 01.01.2021 Member of the ORCID Deutschland Consortium

ORCID - originally an acronym for Open Researcher and Contributor ID - is a global non-profit organisation that aims to uniquely identify all people involved in research, science and innovation and to link them to their contributions. In concrete terms, identification is done by means of a unique 16-digit identifier (called ORCID iD). This allows scientific works (usually publications/research articles, but also research software or research data) to be visibly and technically reliably linked to their authors.

For some years now, Dagstuhl Publishing has been encouraging its authors to identify their authorship by providing an ORCID iD. Using the example of a LIPIcs/OASIcs article, this is how it works:

  1. Those who do not yet have an ORCID can apply for one free of charge at
  2. The ORCID iD is then simply inserted into the author macro in the LaTeX file:
    \author{[First Name] [Last Name]}{[Affiliation] \and \url{[Website URL]}}{[email]}{[ORCID iD]}{[funding]}
  3. The article is submitted via the Dagstuhl Submission Server. The metadata including the ORCID id are then read from these macros by the submission system. The metadata, which is initially read automatically, undergoes various (also manual) quality checks and is finally (shortly before publication) submitted to the authors with a request for approval/necessary corrections.

Across all Dagstuhl series, the proportion of those authors who identify themselves through an ORCID iD has increased from around 25% in 2019 to 40% in early 2021.

In order to advance the establishment of ORCID - also in dialogue with other scientific institutions - Schloss Dagstuhl joined the ORCID Deutschland Consortium on 01.01.2021 (see

In the coming years, the integration of ORCID into Dagstuhl Publishing's publishing process will be further developed.