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Dagstuhl Seminar 9229

Computer Science Logic

( Jul 13 – Jul 17, 1992 )

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  • E. Börger
  • H. Kleine-Büning
  • M.M. Richter
  • Y. Gurevich


Research in the area between computer science and logic is fast growing and already shows a tendency to split into various subareas. The aim of this workshop was to bring together eminent researchers of the most active and internationally recognized research lines of computer science logic in order to discuss and critically reflect upon the fundamental common problems, concepts and tools. 42 top scientists and promising young researchers accepted the invitation to participate in the challenging experience. They came from 14 countries, 1/6 from USA, 2 /6 from Germany, the remaining half from other European countries, including East Europe, and Israel.

Talks covered semantics, specification and correctness proofs, complexity of logic algorithms, finite model theory, logic programming, lambda-calculus and functional programming, rewriting, non-classical reasoning (in particular non-monotonic, temporal, epistemic and many-valued logics), linear logic and proof theory. Many new methods and ideas were presented which open new lines of promising research in computer science logic. Critical discussions attempted to identify and examine the underlying fundamental problems.

The atmosphere was very friendly, but the discussions were most lively and participants did not hold back their critical remarks. The discussions turned many lectures - scheduled for daily morning and afternoon sessions into long disputations; this is a Dagstuhl effect that cannot be overestimated. During the breaks and till late in the night, participants also gathered in smaller groups for continuing discussions, communicating new results and exchanging ideas. During the week. numerous participants worked together and some were inspired to start new research projects; this is one of the most fruitful outcomes of the workshop.

The success of the workshop exceeded our expectations. The participants expressed high appreciation of this gathering and praised the extraordinary Dagstuhl atmosphere which made this success possible.

Summing up intensive discussions over the last years in the Computer Science Logic community, on the evening of July 14, 37 of the participants from 14 European countries, USA and Israel founded the European Association for Computer Science Logic. This association which grew out from the CSL workshop series, created by three of us in 1987 and run since then on an annual basis, aims at promoting research and international cooperation in the area between logic and computer science.

As organizers of the Dagstuhl workshop on Computer Science Logic and on behalf of its participants we want to thank the institute and its staff, both in Saarbrücken and in Dagstuhl, for the excellent work they did to make it all run smoothly in an efficient but always pleasant and friendly manner. They did much more than just their job; their inspiring dedication to 'their' institute makes Dagstuhl a perfect place. We also thank Dean Rosenzweig, who has edited the Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report.


  • E. Börger
  • H. Kleine-Büning
  • M.M. Richter
  • Y. Gurevich