Nature is curved. From tangled branches to meandering rivers and irregular coastlines, there is barely a straight line to be seen. In centuries past, information designers have sought to emulate this, with tree-like diagrams and twisting connections, but others have objected to the inefficiency of curves. Straight lines are direct, simple and easy to follow, so why take pointless diversions?
Straight lines can play a part in simplifying the world, highlighting routes and connections, but they can only go so far, and sometimes curves may be better suited. Whether these are free-form Béziers or regular geometric patterns, in some circumstances they can be more effective or more aesthetic, and the task of the information designer is to take a flexible approach, identifying the best tools and techniques for the particular task to hand.
This exhibition presents information from a variety of contexts, the linking theme is that the designers have investigated the use of curves in order to show routes, structures, movement, time and connections.
Organized by
Maxwell J. Roberts, University of Essex, UK
Stephen Kobourov, University of Arizona, USA
Martin Nöllenburg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
in association with Dagstuhl Seminar 13151.
Exhibit dates:
April 8 - 21, 2013
Visiting hours:
Monday through Friday, 9 am - 4 pm; Friday, 9 am - 2 pm