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Vom täglichen leben träumen; elfen, u-bahn fahren & bunte farben Radierungen und Ölbilder

Unfortunately, this article is only available in German.

Ina Rolshoven (New York)


Ina Rolshoven

Curriculum Vitae

1970Born München
1990 - 1991Ecole Supèrieure de Design Textile, Paris
1991 - 1993Ateliers de Beaux Arts de Paris, Paris
1991 - 1993Ecole Nationale Supèrieure de

Crèation Industrielle (E.n.s.c.i.), Paris

1993 - 1995Art Students League, New York
1996B.F.A. School of Visual Art, New York
1997 - M.F.A. Hunter College, New York


1998The City of New York Private Collectors


1995Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Assistant Exhibitions

Coordinator, New York

John Weber Gallery, Assistant John Weber, New York
1996Paul Kasmin Gallery, Assistant Director, New York
1997 - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Education Dept.,

Exhibition lecturer, New York


Mill Valley, CA, USA


1994New York, N.Y.gedichte und inseln
Eastside Gallery/S.V.A., Vineyard Theater, New Yorklife, death and other dreams, Video Show
1995American Theater of Actors, New Yorkthe voices warned me, so I desisted
1996Eastside Gallery/S.V.A., Different Light Gallery, New


paintings for an imaginary lover, Small Drawing
1997E.n.s.c.i., Les Ateliers, Paristhe end of india street
SOHO Arts Festival, New Yorkmoving across the river
1998HN Gallery, New Yorkbook projects
Kunstverein Syltdie fahrradprinzessin
IBFI Schloß Dagstuhl, Wadernvom täglichen leben träumen; elfen, u-bahn

fahren & bunte farben