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Art exhibit at Schloss Dagstuhl, August 28 - November 19, 2017

» Werke aus einer Privatsammlung «

Exhibit Opening

August 28 at 7:30 pm at Schloss Dagstuhl

Exhibit dates

August 28 - November 19 2017

About the exhibition

As early as 2016, the exhibition "Farbe und Form, Abstraktion und Expression" featured works from a private collection in Baden-Württemberg in which not only regional but also international artists are represented. This first overview is now followed by a presentation focusing on two artists: HAP Grieshaber and Emil Kiess. Both names are associated with the "Bernsteinschule", a private art school in Sulz am Neckar. HAP Grieshaber is one of the most famous teachers of this school and was instrumental in shaping its artistic orientation. Emil Kiess was one of his students.

Almost 50 paintings and graphics by Kiess and woodcarvings by Grieshaber, mainly from the 1950s and 1960s, were displayed in the exhibition during 2017. Just like in 2016, the exhibition is curated by the art historian Beate Kolodziej.

About the artists

HAP Grieshaber (1909 - 1981) was an important innovator of the medium of woodcarving after 1945 and is primarily known for his works on humans and nature as well as his religious and mythological motifs. Emil Kiess (born 1930), who lives and works in Fürstenberg, is one of the most renowned artists in southwestern Germany. He explores the potentials of color between abstract and figurative art.

Visiting hours

Monday through Friday, 9 am - 4 pm; Friday, 9 am - 2 pm