Als LIPIcs/OASIcs Autor werden Sie per e-mail eingeladen, sich am Dagstuhl Submission Server zu registrierem. Der Server führt Sie dann durch den Veröffentlichungsprozess. Vorabinformationen finden Sie hier:
Since this December’s release, hosting the monthly dblp dump snapshots (in both XML and RDF/N-Triples format) has moved to the Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server (DROPS). This step brings many advantages over the old Apache Directory Listings solution that dblp has been using since the mid-1990s: The DROPS digital library provides a clean and well-structured user interface, metadata and BibTeX records for all datasets are readily available, and required auxiliary files (like the matching DTD files for the XML releases) are always just one click away.
However, the probably most important improvement is that each dblp data release is now (finally!) properly registered for and labeled with a DOI.
The dblp Knowledge Graph (dblp KG) is a fully semantic view on all the data and relationships that you can find in the dblp computer science bibliography. It has already proven to be quite useful, as the dblp KG makes sharing dblp’s curated data and combining it with other semantic data sources easy and straightforward. But it also enables us to to launch a new tool that will allow you to generate new insights well beyond the current capabilities of our prepared web pages and our simple text-based search: our brand new dblp SPARQL query service.
More than two years ago, we first published our dblp Knowledge Graph as an dblp RDF dump file. We have since been working on expanding and updating our RDF schema, as well as on adding new semantic relations to the graph. Today, we release our first major extension to the dblp KG: We added publication venues (e.g., journals and conference series) as first-class entities to the graph.
(updated 2023-06-28) A few days ago, we discussed the new dataset publications in dblp. As a preparation for more and more detailed datasets we slightly modify the DTD that defines the structure of our XML data export.
Datasets and other research artifacts are a major topic in the scientific community in the recent years. Many ongoing projects focus on improving the standardization, publication and citation of these artifacts. Currently, the dblp team is involved in three of them: NFDI4DataScience, NFDIxCS, and Unknown Data. As part of these projects, we are happy to announce that datasets and artifacts have now been added as true “first-class citizens” to dblp, just like any other research contribution.
On November 4, 2022, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) selected Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics and the consortium NFDIxCS for federal and state funding within the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).
In the six months since the release of the dblp RDF dump and its persistent snapshot releases, the RDF dump has been downloaded a total of about a thousand times. We are pleased to see that the community is interested in using our semantic data in their research and beyond. […]
For more than 20 years, a full dump of all dblp records in our own XML format has been available as open data for download and reuse. These dump files have always been in high demand over the years (with 500+ downloads in February 2022 alone) and are used as […]
Die weltweit größte wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Informatik, die Association for Computer Machinery (ACM), hat Dr. Michael Ley, Informatiker bei Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik und der Universität Trier, für die Schaffung und ununterbrochene redaktionelle Pflege und Erweiterung der Bibliographie-Datenbank dblp den Distinguished Service Award 2019 verliehen.
Am 23. März 2020 indexierte die Informatik-Bibliographie „dblp computer science bibliography“ ihren 5-millionsten Fachartikel. Damit hat die weltweit größte, frei zugängliche Metadatensammlung wissenschaftlicher Informatik-Publikationen ihre Größe innerhalb von nur sechs Jahren verdoppelt.
Starting today, all of dblp’s data will be released under the CC0 1.0 Creative Commons Public Domain License. This affects all metadata releases, in particular the daily and monthly data dumps and data retrieved from the web APIs. This change will make it easier for you to reuse our data. […]
Als “großen Gewinn für den Wissenschaftsstandort Trier” haben Ministerpräsidentin Malu Dreyer und Wissenschaftsminister Konrad Wolf die Entscheidung zur Einrichtung einer Außenstelle des Leibniz-Zentrums für Informatik Schloss Dagstuhl (LZI) in Trier bezeichnet.
Seit nunmehr über 25 Jahren verzeichnet und unterstützt die renommierte „dblp computer science bibliography“ die internationale Informatikforschung. Seit heute ist auch die Zukunft der Trierer Datenbank am Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik langfristig gesichert.
An der Universität Trier wird eine Außenstelle des renommierten Leibniz-Zentrums für Informatik Schloss Dagstuhl (LZI) installiert. Das haben die Wissenschaftsminister von Bund und Ländern am Freitag beschlossen.
A historical version of the dblp.xml (called hdblp.xml) is now available at zenodo. hdblp contains historical revisions of all metadata records in dblp. The file can be used to reconstruct the state of dblp for each day between June 1999 and March 2018. The dblp computer science bibliography was founded […]
Finally, all dblp servers now support HTTPS. We will gradually move towards exclusively using HTTPS in the future, so please feel free to update your bookmarks. read as PDF