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Dagstuhl-Seminar 9543

Modelling and Simulation of Gene and Cell Regulation

( 23. Oct – 27. Oct, 1995 )

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  • J. Collado-Vides
  • M. Löffler
  • M. Mavrovouniotis
  • R. Hofestädt

  • Modeling and simulation of metabolic pathways, gene regulation and cell differentiation : October 22 - 27, 1995, International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, Schloss Dagstuhl, Saarland, Germany - Hofestädt, Ralf; Mavrovouniotis, Michael L.; Collado-Vides, Julio; Löffler, Markus - ICSU Press, 1996 - (BioEssays : 18. 1996, 4, S. 333-335).


During the workshop 31 lectures which covered various topics have been presented by participants from different countries. All participants appreciated the stimulating and cordial atmosphere at Schloss Dagstuhl. The always engaged support of the Dagstuhl team was an essential contribution to the success of this seminar.

The organizers wish to thank the VW-Stiftung for its generous financial support and all those who helped to make the workshop an interesting and fruitful research experience.


  • J. Collado-Vides
  • M. Löffler
  • M. Mavrovouniotis
  • R. Hofestädt

Verwandte Seminare
  • Dagstuhl-Seminar 98251: Modelling and Simulation of Gene and Cell Regulation and Metabolic Pathways (1998-06-22 - 1998-06-26) (Details)
  • Dagstuhl-Seminar 01261: Information and Simulation Systems for the Analysis of Gene Regulation and Metabolic Pathways (2001-06-24 - 2001-06-29) (Details)
  • Dagstuhl-Seminar 04281: Integrative Bioinformatics - Aspects of the Virtual Cell (2004-07-04 - 2004-07-09) (Details)