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Fortbildung 24383

IGAFIT Workshop for Algorithms Postdocs in Europe (AlgPiE by IGAFIT 2024)

( 15. Sep – 20. Sep, 2024 )

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The goal of the IGAFIT Workshop for Algorithms Postdocs in Europe (AlgPiE by IGAFIT) is to provide a forum for scientific exchange of young researchers in algorithms, focusing on young researchers from Europe (inc. Israel). It provides a forum for a meeting of leading European young researchers in algorithms, to present the highlights of the recent developments in algorithms, to discuss advances in this area, and to discuss joint research projects and joint research initiatives. This will offer a wide picture of the latest research in algorithms done by young researchers through a series of research talks and the attendance in the workshop will give also an opportunity for networking and to meet fellow young algorithmic researchers. The workshop is planned to have tutorials on grant preparation (e.g., how to apply for an ERC Starting Grant) etc.

An important aim of this initiative is to provide the European algorithmic community a forum for the next generation of research leaders, and with this to integrate and support the European research community in algorithms.

While there are many workshops in algorithms taking place in Europe (e.g., meetings in Dagstuhl, Oberwolfach, Bertinoro) and outside Europe (e.g., DIMACS, Simons Institute at UC Berkeley, Banf, Shonan), such events typically involve mostly senior (faculty) participants and there are no broad Europe-wide events that focus on junior researchers, especially on the postdoctoral level. We believe that the proposed event, taking place in Europe and focusing on European (including Israel) postdocs in algorithms, will fill up an important gap in the academic experience of young researchers and will allow a better integration of the European algorithmic community on the level of postdoctoral researchers.

Copyright Artur Czumaj and Piotr Sankowski

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Computer Science and Game Theory