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Forschungstreffen 24143

Generative AI for Knowledge Engineering

( 02. Apr – 03. Apr, 2024 )

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Large Language Models have been a game-changer in the area of Natural Language Processing. Generative AI, in general, has shown remarkable capabilities in simulating human behavior, including when tasked to act as an analyst of data sources, such as text, tables, or images. On the one hand, there are convincing examples of using LLMs to transform unstructured data into structured conceptualizations that align with human assessments. On the other hand, GAI systems have been successful in describing, summarizing, and interpreting unstructured sources into a more human-readable form.

The goals of this seminar are threefold:

  • understanding the capabilities and limitations of the state of the art in generative AI for knowledge engineering.
  • identifying best practices and needs for further technical development, while
  • guaranteeing alignment with human expectations and values.
Copyright Achim Rettinger

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computation and Language