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Dagstuhl-Seminar 9535

Abstract Interpretation

( 28. Aug – 01. Sep, 1995 )

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  • A. Mycroft
  • P. Cousot
  • R. Cousot


Abstract interpretation is a mathematical framework for specifying program analyzers which conservatively approximate program behaviours by abstraction of the language semantics. As can be seen from the abstracts of the talks, the seminar succeeded in bringing together researchers from different areas of application of abstract interpretation to focus discussion on various:

  • program analysis methods;
  • programming paradigms;
  • program runtime properties;
  • composable abstract domain designs;
  • fixpoint computation methods leading to efficient implementations;
  • designs of generic program analyzers and compilers using powerful analysis methods, four of them being demonstrated; and
  • applications.

The numerous and lively discussions which occurred during the formal sessions, the discussion session on compositionality, and above all the informal meetings confirmed the need for such exchange between the different communities and demonstrated the benefits of this seminar.


  • A. Mycroft
  • P. Cousot
  • R. Cousot