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Research Meeting 24145

Klausurtagung Telematik Karlsruhe (KIT)

( Apr 03 – Apr 05, 2024 )

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In its retreat, the research group Prof. Zitterbart (Institute of Telematics) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) addresses current and future research topics in network communication. This year’s main topics are the advantages and challenges of Machine Learning methods in and for networking and using Digital Twins for network researchers and operators.

Furthermore, the following ongoing dissertations topics will be discussed: Energy packet and reliable power grids of the future, autonomic network management in 6G mobile networks, DDoS detection and defense, Congestion control and traffic engineering, and scalable zero-conf routing for control plans.

Copyright Michael König and Martina Zitterbart

  • Networking and Internet Architecture
  • Machine Learning