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Advanced Training 19383

Summer School "Development, Deployment, and Runtime of Context-Aware Software Systems"

( Sep 15 – Sep 18, 2019 )

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Modern software has to cope with constantly changing contexts: New functionality has to be added, mistakes have to be corrected, new platforms have to be addressed, and existing business rules have to be adjusted.

During this summer school, we will discuss the impact of context-awareness in large and complex software systems from multiple perspectives. From the modeling side, we will deal with different approaches to model agility of software components in general and to use a role-based approach in particular. Following the software stack, we will address development problems of dealing with context-aware systems as well as dive into some details with respect to compile time and runtime. For example, we will outline the design aspects of distributed runtime environments to a greater extent. In addition to control flow, we will also touch the data aspect starting from context-aware data organization to application of streaming data.

This summer school consists of two parts. The first part will take place from Monday (September 16) to Wednesday (September 18) at Schloss Dagstuhl and is featuring lectures on various aspects of context-aware software systems. Top-notch international scientists as well as distinguished scholars from Germany will provide insights into current research and product-related solutions using traditional lecture-style format as well as breakout sessions for individual discussion. Participating students will also have the opportunity to get directly in touch with these scientists, thus start building their own international network for future collaborations.

The second part will take place from Thursday (September 19) to Saturday (September 21) at the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Dresden – transfer to Dresden on Wednesday afternoon will be provided. In contrast to the lecture-style part at Schloss Dagstuhl, the part at TU Dresden will be of practical nature. The participating students will team up in small groups and develop, i.e. model, design, and implement a small end-to-end scenario.

The overall goal of this summer school is to raise awareness for context-sensitive software systems – outlining the challenges as well as showing the current state in research and product-related projects. This summer school specifically bridges the gap between theoretical concepts and use cases, which will be underpinned by practical implementation.

Copyright Wolfgang Lehner

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