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Research Meeting 16294

Implicit and Explicit Guidance in CSCL Environments

( Jul 20 – Jul 22, 2016 )

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CSCL is a promising but challenging scenario. In order to sustainably profit from it, learning partners have to simultaneously overcome individual and collaborative barriers. Particularly, coordinating the communication and interaction processes in a goal-oriented way is a difficult task that frequently cannot be accomplished without further support. However, promising technology-based approaches have been suggested to guide social learning processes.

This workshop builds on common research interests of the EduTech group (University of the Saarland) and the Media-based knowledge construction group (University of Duisburg-Essen) regarding implicit and explicit guidance in computer-supported learning environments. It aims at pushing this research area forward with regard to theory, design, and community building.

The groups will

  • exchange recent research on effects, functions, and conditions of collaboration scripts and group awareness tools in co-located and computer-mediated scenarios of technology-enhanced learning,
  • identify links to related findings, variables and approaches (e.g., cognitive, metacognitive, social, and behavioral aspects, roles of self- and co-regulation, motivation, individual differences) in order to prepare a mutual framework,
  • work on community building in Germany to address the national under-representation of the internationally renowned German research of different disciplinary backgrounds on educational technology and technology-enhanced learning,
  • plan further mutual activities such as publications, workshops, research visits, and formal community events.