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Research Meeting 14193


( May 04 – May 07, 2014 )

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Feature orientation is an emerging paradigm of software development. It supports partially or completely automated generation of software systems in a domain based on features---units of functionality covering the domain. The key idea of feature orientation is to emphasize the similarities of a family of software systems for a given application domain (e.g., database systems, banking software) by treating features as first-class entities throughout the entire development lifecycle and across all the software artifacts, with the goal of reusing software artifacts among the family members. For example, features of a database system could be transaction management, query optimization, and multi-user operation, and those of a text editor could be printing, editing (cut, copy, paste), and encryption.
A key software engineering challenge is that a feature does not necessarily map cleanly to an isolated module of code. Rather, it may affect (``cut across'') many components of a modular software system. For example, the feature transaction management would affect many parts of a database system, e.g., query processing, logical and physical optimization, and buffer and storage management.
The FOSD meeting is (an informal) workshop with the goal to foster intensive discussions around feature-oriented software development. As such, it provides a unique platform for lively discussions and fruitful collaborations.
In particular, the FOSD meeting is designed for undergraduate (Bachelor, Master) and graduate (PhD) students to provide a platform for presenting and discussing their research topics. As a result, students get valuable feedback about their research, insights in related research topics, and lots of opportunities to initiate collaboration with other researchers.

Related Seminars
  • Research Meeting 13092: FOSD-Treffen (2013-02-26 - 2013-03-01) (Details)

  • Program generation
  • Software Product Lines
  • Variable Software systems
  • Feature Modeling
  • Feature-Orientation
  • Software testing and verification
  • Model-based development